The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has recently made a significant change aimed at increasing participation in the securities market among small investors. Effective from September 1, SEBI has raised the threshold for the Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA) from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 10 lakh. This adjustment is designed to encourage more small investors to engage in stock market trading and promote financial inclusion. Here’s a detailed look at what this change means for investors and how to open a demat account online.
What is a Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA)?
A Basic Services Demat Account, or BSDA, was introduced by SEBI in 2012 to make it easier and more affordable for small investors to hold and trade in securities. The BSDA offers a streamlined version of a regular Demat account with fewer charges, specifically tailored for investors with smaller portfolios. This initiative aimed to reduce the burden of demat charges, thereby encouraging more participation from individual investors.
According to the updated guidelines, the limit for securities in a BSDA has been increased to Rs 10 lakh, up from the earlier cap of Rs 2 lakh. This increase is expected to make the BSDA more attractive to small investors, as it allows them to manage a larger portfolio without incurring high costs.
Eligibility for a BSDA
To be eligible for a BSDA, investors need to satisfy the following conditions:
- Single Demat Account: The individual must have only one demat account as the sole or first holder.
- Single BSDA: The investor must have only one BSDA across all depositories.
- Value of Securities: The total value of securities in the BSDA must not exceed Rs 10 lakh at any point in time. This limit covers both debt and equity securities.
If the portfolio value crosses Rs 10 lakh, the Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA) will automatically upgrade to a regular demat account. This ensures that investors with larger holdings move to an account type that accommodates their expanded portfolio while offering the full range of services associated with a standard demat account. This ensures that investors who grow their holdings beyond this threshold are not penalized but are shifted to a more comprehensive account type.
Services and charges for BSDA holders
Under the new guidelines, BSDA account holders will benefit from several cost-saving measures:
- Electronic Statements: Free of charge.
- Physical Statements: Charged at Rs 25 per statement.
For portfolios valued up to Rs 4 lakh, the annual maintenance charge (AMC) for a BSDA is nil. For portfolios valued above Rs 4 lakh and up to Rs 10 lakh, the AMC is Rs 100. This fee structure is designed to ensure that small investors can manage their investments without facing prohibitive costs.
Depository Participants (DPs) must open only BSDA for eligible accounts unless the account holder explicitly requests a regular demat account via email. Eligible demat accounts will undergo a review and, within two months, be converted to a BSDA unless the account holder opts to keep their regular demat account.
How to Open a Demat Account Online
Opening a demat account online has become a straightforward process, allowing investors to manage their securities with ease. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you open your Demat account online:
- Choose a Depository Participant (DP): Select a DP that aligns with your needs. Look for factors such as fees, services, and customer support.
- Submit Your Application: Visit the DP’s website and fill out the online demat account application form. You will need to provide personal details, financial information, and identification documents.
- Complete KYC Requirements: Complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) process by submitting the necessary documents, such as your PAN card, Aadhaar card, and bank account details.
- Verification: The DP will verify your documents and information. This process may include a physical verification of your address or a video call for identity verification.
- Account Activation: After your verification is complete, your demat account will be activated, and you will receive an account number along with login credentials to access it online
- Start Trading: With your demat account open, you can start buying and selling securities. Make sure to select a trading platform that aligns with your requirements for usability and functionality.
The increase in the BSDA limit to Rs 10 lakh is a welcome move by SEBI, aimed at boosting small investor participation in the stock market. By understanding the benefits and requirements of a BSDA, investors can take full advantage of this opportunity. If you are considering entering the stock market, it is essential to choose the best trading platform in India for beginners that suits your needs. Opening a Demat account online has never been easier, and with the right tools and resources, you can begin your investment journey with confidence.